Play that Song Again…

Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

Music has been a huge factor in my life for as long as I can remember.

Recently, I was talking with my older brother about how certain songs hit different now that I am older. Songs that I have loved for years, but I now have a new appreciation for them possibly because I have lived life.

Here are 10 songs that hit different and are currently on a consistent rotation:

Rainbow Personality

Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

Writing Prompt #73: Write down the colors of the rainbow, then list a character trait that suits each color.

Red – passion

Orange – spontaneity

Yellow – happiness

Green – perfection

Blue – enthusiasm

Indigo – empathy

Violet – understanding

What character traits could you come up with?

Namaste, Clyde

Desk – Clean or Cluttered?

Photo by Sora Sagano on Unsplash

Writing Prompt #72: List every item on your desk.

So, I just got my desk. Therefore, it is a work in progress. It has been built, but it still seems a bit bare. I do plan on maybe adding a plant in honor of my editor. It’ll just need to be a plant that won’t die easily – I did not inherit the green thumb from my mother, unfortunately.

Here is the list of every item on my desk at this current moment:

  1. Laptop (obviously)
  2. Rulers
  3. Books
  4. Pens
  5. Glass of wine
  6. Microphone
  7. Screwdriver
  8. Metal frog
  9. Small set of drawers
  10. Binders
  11. Phone
  12. Pictures of my daughter

What is on your desk?